Design Showcase

WP Team Favorites from the UARK Network

Boxed Layout

Box layouts are easy to use and dependable. The Associated Student Government takes advantage of this structure in their easy to navigate site.

Full Width Layout

A full width format supplies a more minimalist approach to design. These sites tend to rely on visuals and grouping to structure content. Although this can put more focus on content, it requires extra attention to visual hierarchy than a traditional boxed layout.

Single Page Site

Having a web presence doesn’t have to be complicated. Sometimes a single page site, like this contact site, can be more effective than a complex site that requires frequent updates.

Full Width Header

It’s easy to take advantage of this design trend within the Divi theme. Perfect for putting branding front and center, a full width header image can be an attractive addition to your site, as show in the UARK Guitar Program site below.

Magazine Layout

Blog formats benefit from a magazine style layout, such as The Hill website, which displayed content from their print publication.